OVD-Info approaches the issue of political persecution from multiple angles–we prepare and publish analyses, as well as gather and process data on citizens’ rights violations.
All of our work informs tactical decisions in the present and lays the foundation for future changes in the system.
On this page we have brought together our reports released since 2013.
In June 2020, we launched a newsletter for researchers and experts where we keep you updated on new reports, data and datasets. Subscribe!
All translated materials you see here were translated by our team of dedicated volunteers.
Data on politically motivated criminal prosecutions in Russia
«The government’s way or the highway»: how Russian authorities persecute teachers with an anti-war stance
Repression in Russia in 2024: OVD-Info Overview
Schoolchildren behind the bars, many deaths, and plenty of lengthy sentences. Preliminary Results of 2024 in «Prisoners of the Wartime» report
Law enforcement versus human rights defenders: how the Russian state persecutes human rights defenders
Repressions Report. Summary of the First Seven Months of 2024
Persecution of the anti-war movement report. May-September 2024
Repression at the legislative level since the full-scale invasion
Repressions Report. May 2024
Persecution of journalists after the start of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine: data
Guide on General Safety for researchers that plan to work with Russian participants
Repressions Report. April 2024
Persecution of the anti-war movement report. May 2024
According to OVD-Info, since 2015, 618 individuals have been subject to criminal cases related to public actions
Repressions Report. March 2024
Repressions Report. February 2024
Persecution of the anti-war movement report. Two years of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. February 2024
Navalny vigils crackdown
Repressions Report. January 2024
Detentions at public protests, 2012-2023
Russia on the Road to Freedom of Assembly: Challenges and Instruments for Change
Repression in Russia in 2023. OVD-Info overview
Persecution of the anti-war movement report. January 2024
«Cutting off the air supply»: how the authorities are persecuting so-called ‘foreign agents’ in the face of war — an analysis of legislation
Repressions Report. December 2023
Persecution of the anti-war movement report. December 2023
Repressions Report. November 2023
Persecution of the anti-war movement report. November 2023
Repressions Report. October 2023
«Hell within Hell» and Cold Torture. People Persecuted for Political Cases Keep Being Placed in a Punishment Cell (SHIZO)
Persecution of anti-war movement report: October 2023
Repressions Report. September 2023
Repressions Report. August 2023
Database of detentions at public protests 2011-2021
A Year of Mobilisation. Persecution due to protest against the war and mass conscription into the army
Persecution of the anti-war movement report: September 2023
Submission of Information to Special Procedures Report on Alexey Gorinov
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Russian Federation
Wartime Repressions Report. August 2023
Repressions Report. July 2023
Submission to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Wartime Repressions Report. July 2023
«The terror effect»: an analysis of sentences for «antiwar» cases
The stalker state: how authorities use facial recognition system against dissenters and what is the opinion of European Court of Human Rights
Repressions Report. June 2023
Apology Videos and More: Post-Full-Scale Invasion Analysis of Extrajudicial Pressure Tactics
Wartime Repressions Report. June 2023
Repressions Report. May 2023
Wartime Repressions Report. May 2023
«The Anti-war Case». OVD-Info explains Russia’s criminal cases crackdown against the anti-war movement
Anti-war case. Infographics on criminal prosecutions for anti-war stance
Wartime Repressions Summary. April 2023
How they taught us the fear of protests
Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review on freedom of assembly in Russia
Joint Submission for the UN Universal Periodic Review on freedom of expression in Russia
Wartime Repressions Summary. March 2023
Report on non-implementation of previous UPR cycles' recommendations
The Report on Civil Rights and Freedoms of Children
Summary of Russian wartime repression. One year since the full-scale invasion
Repressions in Russia in 2022. OVD-Info overview
Suggested checklist for the Special Rapporteur on Russia
A New ‘Foreign Agents’ Law Comes Into Effect
Anti-War Repressions Summary. Nine Months of War
Urgent Need to Reinforce UN Treaty Bodies. Joint Statement by Civil Society Organisations
Chronicles of anti-war repressions. Eight months of war
Information on the Russian Federation for the 134-136th sessions of the UN Human Rights Committee
No to war: How Russian authorities are suppressing anti-war protests
Summary of anti-war repressions. Seven months of war
Internet blocks as a tool of political censorship
Information on the human rights situation in Russia for the OSCE’s Moscow Mechanism
How Authorities Use Cameras and Facial Recognition against Protesters
Summary of anti-war repressions. Six months of war
Input of information in reply to the call for submissions: Challenges to freedom of opinion and expression in times of conflicts and disturbances
Created and (or) distributed. Discriminatory aspects of the application of legislation on ‘foreign agents’
Wartime repressions: four months of war. June 2022
Summary of anti-war repressions. Five months of war
Methodology for calculating the number of detentions for an anti-war stance
Wartime repressions: four months of war. June 2022
Sanitization of the protest: How Article 236 of The Criminal Code Became an Instrument of Political Pressure
Ageism and Age Discrimination in the Context of Freedom of Assembly in Russia
The Bill «without a catch»: How Article 267 of the Criminal Code became a «protest-related one»
«Freedom of assembly guaranteed, 17,600 protesters detained»: rebuttal of the Russian response to UN inquiry on widespread assembly rights violations
Explanatory note to the draft law on the abolition of the legislation on «foreign agents»
Older Women and Freedom of Assembly in Russia
Gender aspects of violations of the right to freedom of assembly in Russia: first observations and quantitative data
Protection of human rights in the context of peaceful protests during crisis situations: Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur
Unresolved Freedom of Assembly Issues in Russia in 2020
Crackdown on peaceful protests in January — February 2021 in Russia
Protesters accused of violence against representatives of the power
The «Palace Case»: people under criminal prosecution after the protests of early 2021 in Russia
Effective remedies and access to justice in the context of freedom of assembly in Russia
Suppression of Protests in Khabarovsk. Analysis by OVD-Info
Legislative restrictions of freedom of assembly at the end of 2020
Russian courts of general jurisdiction. Experience of the pandemic
Suppression of the April 21 protests. With a focus on violations in St. Petersburg
Single-person pickets. The law and what should be changed about it
Suppression of rallies in support of Alexei Navalny on January 17 and 18, 2021. Review of the violations
Freedom of Assembly in Russia During the Pandemic: Summary
Freedom of assembly in Russia during the pandemic. What happened from March 10 to April 22, 2020
Violations of the Right to Peaceful Assembly for Women and Girls in Russia from 2010 to 2020
Suppression of peaceful assembly in Russia from 2015 to 2020
The Art of the Ban-2: Review. How local legislators restrict rallies and other protests in Russia
Russia’s Constitutional Court and freedom of assembly for better or worse?
The Art of the Ban: How Russian authorities refuse permission for rallies and other protests
Restrictions on public assemblies near schools, hospitals, churches and military facilities
Submission by the NGOs Human Rights Center Memorial and OVD-Info on implementation of the general measures in the case of Lashmankin et al. v. Russia
Moscow experiment. Persecution of protesters supporting candidates to Moscow City Duma
Written Submission for a General Comment on Right to Peaceful Assembly
Prisoners of undeclared war
Limitations on and restrictions to the right to the freedom of peaceful assembly in the digital age